Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rung #2

I'm happy to report that rung two on my publishing-career-ladder-to-success has officially been reached.

Shifting gears from teaching to publishing was a HUGE risk, and I knew that breaking into the industry wouldn't be easy for an "outsider" like me. But I'm of the mindset that thinks along the lines of "You've got to know the system, to beat the system." So, in a lot of ways I am still in learning mode— a sponge.

Over the past few months, since leaving my internship at FinePrint Literary Management, I've been fortunate enough to work with a pretty incredible woman: Stephanie Gunning. She's an independent book consultant, book coach, developmental editor, thought leader, innovator, self-publishing company partner and so much more. Partnering up with her has given me insight into the world of publishing that exists outside of the publishing house.

What I have seen so far is that the face of the publishing game is clearly changing, and only those who are innovators and one-step-aheaders will survive the complete overhaul of the old-school paradigm. I plan to be one of those stay-aheaders gosh darn-it!

One way I intend to reach my overall goals is to diversify. I think it would be foolish, at this stage of my life and in this state of industry-wide flux, to limit my experience to one specialty of mode or experience. So as I work as an independent contractor for Stephanie Gunning Enterprises, I'm also working to build my own freelance editorial business.

Presently, I am open to working with authors of both fiction and nonfiction in all genres. In fact, I've just had the pleasure of completing my first major freelance job for author Elizabeth Lions. Her first book, Recession Proof Your Life was a great success. Through Steph Gunning I was connected with Ms. Lions, and had the opportunity to edit the manuscript for her second book, I Quit! Working For You Is Not Working For Me. The subject of career change could not have been more appropriate, and the experience couldn't have been more validating.

I'll post a spot-light on the book when it's up and running, but for now I'll just keep smiling.

It's good to be back!

~Michelle In Turn

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