Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Closure and Next Steps

Today I have bitter-sweet news to share.

Tomorrow is my official last day as an intern @ FinePrint Literary Management in NYC.  My experience in their program has been invaluable, informative and above all else SO fun!  The staff at FinePrint is top notch, and they have given me so many new tools for my little publishing arsenal.  I will miss our day-to-day dearly, but treasure all the knowledge and 1:1 time they've given me.

On the sweeter side, I have also been fortunate enough to land a position as an independent contractor for the next three months.  As mentioned in an earlier post, I will be working with a fabulous, seasoned and diverse publishing professional on a host of projects.  Her twenty-plus years in the industry promise to give me tons of new experiences and tasks to add to my publishing repertoire.

While I am sad to see the first official chapter of my publishing career come to a close, I am very excited for this next chapter to begin.

As I mentioned when I initially started this blog, anyone who wants to break into the industry has to wait their turn, and work their way up the ranks.  Here's to rung #1 on my career ladder, and stepping up to rung #2.

Wish me luck!

~Michelle In Turn

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