Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is in the air...for the undead.

Ah, February 14th.  The one day of the year where I absolutely insist on giving in to the spiraling, tumbling world of romance.  While I give in most other days too, I consider myself very fortunate this Valentine's Day to once again have the arms of my beloved to hold me tight.  So, to show my love just how much I care...I bought him a book [naturally].  

You see, my lover has a mild obsession with ZOMBIES.  He's read and nearly memorized Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide (just incase we are faced with a zombie apocalypse), and is now entrenched in World War Z.  He loves classic zombie flicks like Night of the Living Dead, and the comical stylings of Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead.

In truth, he's even gotten me hooked on the whole zombie craze.  We are very dedicated  "Walking Dead" fans, and tune in to AMC every Sunday night for a little bit of zombie terror.  And one of my new favorite series of books is by Carrie Ryan, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, because it mixes just the right of amount of gruesome gore and heart-thumping romance.  I've already finished the second book in the series, which is called The Dead Tossed Waves, and will soon delve into the third which is The Dark and Hollow Places.

So what does one get their zombie-loving lover for Valentine's Day?

Zombie in Love of course!  

You see, I moonlight as a bookseller at Barnes & Noble, and while running amuck cleaning up after everyone in the children's section a few weeks ago, I noticed the rather disturbing cover of this bizarre little children's book.  It features a 90's era grunge-looking zombie fella holding an anatomically precise human heart.  It was perfect.


So, if you're not sure what to get the handsome weirdo in your life this Valentine's Day, consider picking up Zombie in Love.  

Oh, and one other little treasure I've picked up for the two of us to share, is Zombies vs Unicorns by Holly Black.  While I haven't had a chance to read it yet, I love Holly Black and her twisted approach to fantasy writing.  And since I am totally TEAM UNICORN, and my man is TEAM ZOMBIE, I thought it might be fun to share some of these sick little short stories just before bed- how romantic!  We both enjoy reading for a bit at night just before bed...and one of us [not me] likes to wake the other up after having zombie attack nightmares because of what they read at night!  But, that's all part of the package.

Happy Valentine's Day!  
~Michelle In Turn

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